Tuesday, April 27, 2010

This n' that

Looking forward to seeing more blooms.  This one is my Pink Lady apple tree, and she's be gorgeous in a week or so!

Prettied up my gardening bench.  Now I can see my seeds and actually 
remember to plant them all this year!

Isn't this gorgeous?  The Hubs made me two of these, with three more on order. His own design, and he even hammered the copper himself!  Nothin' sexier than a handy-man with an eye for decorating!  

Worked in the garden, which just had some peas, broccoli, radishes, spinach, lettuce and cabbage added to it.  You can see the landscaping cloth where the pea-gravel path will go.  And right where the path ends, next to the gate, will be the CUTEST little enamel sink I found with plumbing so I can wash my veggies outside!

Sneak peek of the new chest going in Boo's beachy room.

The Hubs has a grandma who passed a while back, and the family has been going through her house. (which is way old and way haunted...I should show you the giant creepy babydoll that Boo brought home)  We go up there with intentions of going through stuff in the house, but naturally I was looking for quirky odds n' ends.  There is this really deep (20 ft+) creek ditch next to the house and when we looked over the edge we saw this really cool kettle sitting in the creek.  I sent the hubs after it, and also had him snag a really awesome wooden ladder that I saw.  The little lantern thingy was in the yard.  Also scored some old windows for painting on!  Seriously, why can my brain not operate like a normal person's?

So what should I do with the kettle and lantern?  I know!  Add them to my already enormous pile of things I need to re-purpose in the garage! (hehe)


  1. I would plant flowers in the kettle & use the lantern for a flower pot hanger. Great finds!

  2. the kettle would be a nice flower pot.
    LOVE the wood/copper planter!

  3. I love your gardening bench, it looks so charming.


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